modify motorcycles ? Alternatives that are not less interesting , remodel an old motorcycle ! The result , can be proud of and not less fun than a motorcycle today . Things to consider , to be patient and observant in the process and do not make changes penggerjaan half .

1 . option modification , restoration ( ( rebuilt as the original ) or modify the total ( custom ) . If the selected restoration , need extra patience , especially if you want to restore the original components are difficult to obtain . Automated , longer processing time .
2 . If custom , select vintage style . Maintaining classic aura is very important in order not to deviate from nature as obsolete motorcycle . The flow of many turunanya , among others boober , street tracker , traditional large -engine chopper if , cafe racer and many more .
3 . Do not try to dress the modern concept . For example , Honda CB100 made street fighter . "I'll even be weird . Looks can be modern classics anyway , depending on the concept and workmanship . If forced , aura faded glory motorcycle , "
.4 . Adjust the dimensions . Most old motorcycle in Indonesia using a small capacity engine . Gambot impose design or large , but even so the engine cungkring joke material . Try as seen , seem completely " full ".
5 . Optimize with modern elements . For example, use two paint colors or handlebars and the new models and the use of LED lights . Pernik detail will make an appearance to be smooth despite the classic aura . it always attracts both young and old, whether new or modified motors vintage motor modifications.
This time, I will show a collection of photos modifications Honda Moped.

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